Survey data required precise, accurate and correct data conversion and management before it can be used for the specific project. Survey data that technically contains specific geo-data, metadata, and etc. A modern digital survey data required specific version to allow CAD software to work and demand the correct conversion and managements to the user with correct requirement needed.

Typically data conversion cover

  • AutoCAD/ GIS drawing geodetic datum transformation.
  • GIS format data to AutoCAD drawings conversion (Vice Versa)
  • GIS deliverables to OGP/IMCA Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM) or client specified geo-database schematic formats

Data Conversion and Management are typically required for:

  • Anchor Pattern preparation
  • Topographic mapping
  • Database basemap to support various task of survey

Datum checking and report analysing

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Data Conversion And Management
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